Over the past couple of months I seem to have been asked the same two questions over and over, so I'm taking the opportunity to answer them here.
Are you taking the piss out of mental illness?
This is a bluntly paraphrased question, but it seems to be an issue. So the short answer is no, of course I'm fucking not. I know how shit it can be and I wouldn't make fun of that. I make light of what happens to me because it is me and I should be allowed that liberty. I deal with shit by joking about it and fuck knows if it helps but that's me and I'm sticking to it. But as I said on the 'About' page, if you suffer from mental health problems then you already know what it's like and you don't need me to make it any worse by consistently reiterating that. If you have any gargantuan issue with anything I've said, let me know.
Are you gay?
Somewhat disturbingly, this is what I've been asked the most. Why my sexuality should be of such interest is beyond me, because my sex life is really quite ordinary. And private. But if it will prevent any more of the less sensitively-phrased questions from reaching my inbox, then here is my answer: a bit. I'm bisexual. I am attracted to a certain sort of person and that sort of person appears to manifest themselves in both male and female form. I suspect that this question may have arisen from the fact that I take great pains to avoid mentioning the name and gender of my current partner, H, and the fact that I have specified they are a soldier gives them a more masculine vibe. But I only avoid it because I'm not sure said partner would appreciate me going into greater detail about them. They are unaware that I write this and are also unaware, as yet, of some of the issues I describe here. If by some terrible coincidence an acquaintance read this and told them, 'You're seeing an oddball,' it might put all sorts of strain on the relationship, and I am keen to avoid that.
If you have any other pertinent questions, preferably not relating to my sexuality, feel free to get in touch via the 'Contact' page.
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