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'If you have been affected by any of the issues mentioned in this blog, then follow the links below for more information.' - Mind is a charity that provides information and support on mental health, and they have frequent posts on how real people cope with real, everyday issues. - The Mental Health Foundation works towards informing about mental health and helping those who suffer from problems. - The Mental Health Forum came out of the Foundation named above, and offers a place for people to discuss their issues and experiences, as well as a range of useful information covering a variety of topics, from dealing with certain illnesses, to coping with a suffering family member. - SANE is a UK-based charity that aims to help people suffering from mental illness and stop the stigma surrounding it.  Their website offers information on mental illness, where to find support, and has a forum for discussion. -  Samaritans offer a helpline, both for those considering suicide and for those who just have problems they want to discuss.  Calling them is anonymous and confidential.  They listen rather than advise, and are ideal if you need someone to talk to.  Their lines are open 24/7, and can be reached free on 116 123 (UK & ROI).

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